Teenage Orthodontics In Valencia
Do you want to improve the health and aesthetics of your smile without jeopardising your physical appearance during the treatment? Why not try invisible orthodontic treatment in Valencia with Cayetana Manglano.
In Cayetana Manglano we work with Invisalign, one of the best on the market.
Although you can get the same results with whichever orthodontic treatment you use, invisible orthodontics offers a series of advantages in comparison with the rest
Reduces your visits to the clinic
Removable braces
Improves the oral hygiene whilst on treatment
Reduces the possibility of developing cavities during the treatments, as it is easier to clean
Less incidents, as there is less risk of rubbing, ulcers or dental emergencies
You will get to see the end result of the treatment before starting it
In Cayetana Manglano we have all types of orthodontic brace treatment available in Valencia
Metalic braces
The most traditional
Ceramic braces
Ideal if you are looking for a discreet aesthetic, as even though they are placed on the external part of the tooth, their colour makes them blend in.
Lingual braces
This options is the best that exists aesthetically, as they are places on the internal part of the tooth.
Are you interested in having orthodontic treatment in Valencia?
No matter your age, you can improve the aesthetics of your smile and correct the bad position of your teeth through orthodontic treatment.
In Cayetana Manglano we have been treating patients with orthodontics for more than 25 years. For children, adolescents and adults, at an affordable price. This has allowed us to gain a lot of experience in this kind of treatment.
Why trust Cayetana Manglano with your orthodontic treatment in Valencia?
Doctor Cayetana Manglano has the Invisalign Diamond 2 category, that guarantees that she has a lot of treated cases, throughout her 25 years at the forefront of the clinic.
As well as her work in consultation, Cayetana Manglano has presented publications and communications at conferences, and has taught courses internationally about orthodontics.
Her experience in this type of behaviour makes Cayetana Manglano your best option, if you are looking to start orthodontic treatment in Valencia at a very competitive price.
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The treatment of adult patients is not only possible but in many cases, it is necessary to correct the progressive deterioration of the teeth and prolong their existence. Once your gums and supporting bones are healthy, we can begin and obtain results similar to those of teenagers.
Nowadays, there are modern corrective aligners of excellent aesthetic appearance and comfort that make the number of adult patients increase every year.
Yes, all treatments can use aligners because the result does not depend on the appliances used, but on the diagnosis, the vision of the orthodontist and the treatment plan drawn up by that professional.